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Annie Pajcic is a heart-beautiful woman with a heart-changing message. Her love for God and for His daughters shines through everything she says and does. A truly wonderful servant!
-Liz Curtis Higgs, best-selling author of Bad Girls of the Bible and The Girl's Still Got It
I'm a big fan of Annie and her mission to make faith come alive through laughter, creativity and a vibrant atmosphere that is never short on glue guns, glitter, and custom-made joy jars!
-Kari Kampakis, author of 10 Ultimate Truths Young Girls Should Know
Annie Pajcic exudes the joy of Jesus, and in her new Bible Study, Riding Tandem, she invites each one of us to live in the fullness of that same joy - which only comes as we learn to let go and trust our most trustworthy God.
-Jeannie Cunnion, Author of A Mom Set Free